SLR Torana

SLR Torana

The SLR Torana is one of the popular motor series vehicle manufactured by General Motors, Holden. It took quite a long time to design this brand new motor car and of course it was certainly the best series introduced ever!

The SLR Torana series was subjected with a synonym called “to fly” and plenty of models kept on hitting the showroom outlets. The entire design was unique and appeared like it had wings at its side.

The sporty wheels, rear spoiler and the interior trim look made SLR Torana unique with a race car production look. The Torana series were designed little wider and, moreover, it weighed little heavier too.

Being designed along with V8 engines, the Torana was built under the names Kingswood, Monaros, Premiers and Statesman. All these motor series fulfilled the expectation of the owners.

The SLR Torana series was noted for its legendary performance compared to their previous sister editions. The design and performance were appreciated by its owners, and of course, it was considered as the best family car to ride in for any long distance.

This series was designed along with a V8 version and had additional add-ons such as the mighty 5047 cc small block v8. The overall weight of this car series was a little more than the Lj but it was also more powerful too.

On the other hand, the GT-HO-Type quarter-mile times sounded a little better than the SLR. Despite the choice of tyres used, the driver was not able to drive SLR Torana below a 16-second quarter-mile time.

The SLR Torana was a designed performance car and they come along with 6 cylinder versions plus a v8 option. The steering rack was rubber-mounted this made for a better ride and control.

If you are looking for a sedan style family car that has sporty touch, then choosing SLR Torana will be a fair choice. With its performance, look and style there is nothing better looking then this SLR Torana series.

Riding this well-built car will give you a new experience and assures you better comfort level.

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